Sunday 30 March 2014



I will always remember that day as as one of the happiest days of my life. It was a cold, rainy october morning, and it was following my usual routine. As always, I went walking to get coffee before going to work, when suddenly I tripped and fell down a sewerage.

I woke up confused and dizzy, not knowing where I was. As I was exploring, I heard some voices and followed them. They led me to an enormous underground city, full of mythical creatures such as leprechauns, fairies and mermaids swimming in the dirty river.

Everyone stared at me, with an amused face, except for a handsome leprechaun, who offered me a house to stay in for the night. I asked him why everyone was looking at me with a surprised face. He told me that it was because humans can't see this world and the people in it. He looked at me with a shocked face and yelled: "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!", which basically meant that I had to become their leader.

From that day on, I decided to leave my human life behind and take care of my new kingdom.

By: Juliette Todd and Santiago Álvarez-Sala.

Thursday 27 March 2014


I will always remember that they as one of the happiest days of my life.It was late January and I was looking forward to my birthday. I was wondering what on Earth my parents were going to give me as my 15th birthday. Considering other year´s gifts, anything could fit in that blue box, which was underneath their bed.

The morning of the 28th of January I was again, surprised by the present. It happened to be a marvellous voucher for a ski trip with my friends.
I was really excited about it because I love skiing, in fact, I’d been skiing since I was 4 and my technique was perfect.
The first day of our holiday I met some professional skiers, who were organising an international event which consisted in a unique race. I thought it would be a great opportunity to show everyone my skills.I accepted the skier´s invitation and joined their team. Although our rivals were brilliant, we managed to win the competition and beat our own records, enjoying ourselves at every moment.

We spent the whole afternoon in a local café celebrating our victory. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even sleep thinking about the perfect day I had, and finally thanking my parents for the mervellous birthday present 
they gave me.

By Federico Herrero and Paula Camps

Wednesday 26 March 2014

English Story Iñaki Garrido and Álvaro Aparicio

I will always remember that day as one of the happiest days of my life. I was a forty-two-year old man who lived in London, when one morning, I suddenly recieved a letter from Buckingham Palace that puzzled me.

I was excited and intrigued about what the letter contained. I thought it could have been a strange fine, but I stopped for a second and thought that it could be something more extraordinary such as some kind of special appeal or an invitation to a ball, although I was an ordinary man by then.

Without believing what was happening, I opened the envelope as quick as lightning and found out an incredible piece of news, which certainly changed my life. The letter asked in a very formal way, if I wanted to be the Queen's personal assistant, because of my expierence and studies. After hearing the information I was speechless and did not know how to react.

After a few days, when I started to calm down, I made a decision and answered yes to that letter. From then on, I have been working with the royal family and living in an amazing place.

Tuesday 25 March 2014


I will always remember that day as the best day of my life.It was the third of August and i was so excited because i was turning 16.My best friend told me to go and have dinner with her, but i didn´t knew where we were going.

I really liked the restaurant: the food was incredble, the service was so good and the price was reasonable.
When we finished having dinner my friend gave me a mask and we went out of the restaurant.

Suddenly i appeared in the back-yard.Everyone was there.
It was a surprise party.We were having an amazing party when the gave me a very special present  which consisted in a trip for a whole month to the United States.

That was one of the most incredible days i have ever had and i am so thankful for everything.

 Miguel García and Lidia Argueso 3esoa

Monday 24 March 2014


LASER HAIR REMOVAL RISKS                                Paula Camps García

The New York Times                                                                                                              
January 6, 2014

The treatment of laser hair-removal can cause burns in sensitive areas, disfiguring injuries or rarely, even death.

An unknown number of procedures are performed each year by non-physicians who may have minimal training. And according to a study in JAMA Dermatology, the percentage of demands over laser surgery involving a non-physician operator has increased from 36% in 2008 to 78% in 2011.

People think that anyone can do laser procedures. Dr Tina Alster said that every week she sees a complication from a laser. Physicians are worried about “Medical Spas” which offer laser treatments and other cosmetic treatments but may not have licensed medical personnel working which is really dangerous.

A Brooklyn woman, aged 26, in, ended up with burns in her skin her third laser session, which persisted for weeks and then stripes among the backs of her legs appeared. Her laser operator, who was not a doctor, repeated the treatments on her legs 4 weeks apart and the recommendation is between 10 and 12 weeks.

The laser treatment is considered to be the practice of medicine in 35 states, whereas in 26 states, nonmedical personnel offer the treatment with medical supervision. Some states protect patients, but a great number do not. A laser operator with no medical training may treat something that looks like a sun spot when it is skin cancer.

There is little oversight of medical laser Spas, patients should do some research and consider some factors before taking the treatment.


A Bizarrely Fitting Finale Yields a Most Unexpected Champion

The New York Times
Miguel García Díaz

This saturday Wawrinka won over an ailing Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open in Melbourne. Nadal was the favorite to win the tournament but the excelent play of Wawrinka and the pain that Nadal suffered in his back made Wawrinka to be the lowest-ranked man to win a Grand Slam singles title since 2004.
Wawrinka beated Nadal in four sets (6-3, 2-6, 6-3, 6-3)

In the warm-up Nadal appeared to throw out his back and needed a medical timeout; he played with a permanent grimace. In first set Wawrinka pushed Nadal around. In the second set Nadal moved better, and Wawrinka came undone and in the last two sets Wawrinka defeated an ailing Nadal.

I admire both players Nadal and Wawrinka, I admire Nadal because he played a whole match with an injury in his back and despite the fact being injured he won a set. I admired Wawrinka because he is not the best tennis player but he played really well and he fighted a lot.