Wednesday 5 February 2014



This article talks about a death that happened a while ago in South Africa. It was Nelson Mandela, the famous South African politician, whose life tragically came to an end. Jacob Zuma, the current president of South Africa, anounced his death the morning after.

Despite the fact that Mandela had announced that he wanted a quiet death, his last months had been quite the opposite. A crowd of news-hungry journalists tried to get in his hospital room in Pretoria every day. Mandela´s remains were buried in the town where he was raised, Qunu, as he had wished.

If something about Nelson Mandela makes South African black people consider him a hero, it is his achievements in life. He was radically against racial discrimination. So radically that he spent 27 years in prison because he started a revolution and refused to change his mind about racial discrimination. When he came out of jail, he became a candidate for being the president of South Africa. He won and spent his 5 years of presidency trying to make the country equal for black and white people.

In my opinion, Nelson Mandela is a person that we should admire a lot, because he gave his life for his country and for his people, and he succeeded with perseverance and hard work.

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