Sunday 16 February 2014

Castaway Story - Iñigo Artolozaga

I remember that moment as if it was yesterday. I, Iñigo, was travelling through the Pacific Ocean in a small fishing boat. Suddenly, lightning
started to strike. Unluckily for me, one lightning bolt collided with my boat, and destroyed it completely. I fainted and, when I woke up, I felt sand touching my lips. I soon realized that I had become a castaway.
There wasn´t anybody on the island. Apart from the beach where I had woken up, the island was filled with forest. My resources were limited, so I had to build a house out of palm wood and leaves, and my diet was basically made up of coconuts and monkey flesh.
I soon started to miss all the people that I knew, even the people that I hated. I talked to empty coconuts, as if they were my real friends.
When I wasn´t hunting for monkeys, whose meat I had got used to, I was collecting wood planks for a big project: an escape boat. 
One day, I thought it would be a good idea going further inside the forest, because I had nothing to lose. Suddenly, I came up into a clearing, with a little hill. I climbed it and I saw it. All that time I had lived in one of the uninhabited islands of the Hawaii archipelago. 

Iñigo Artolozaga
Colegio Base

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