Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Muslim Brotherhood, back in a fight to survive

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is unhappy about the new government in their country, who is considering them terrorists and is imprisoning most of their members. The problem is that the brotherhood, in order to try to change this situation, is joining protests which are causing a serious number of deaths.
But the Muslim brotherhood is not responsible for all these deaths. Almost in every demonstration they make, the military turn up causing the death of many protesters and innocent people. For instance, on  August  14, hundreds of members from the brotherhood were killed during a demonstration.
The brotherhood wants Mr Morsi, the ex Egyptian president, to be the president again. But nowadays all they can fight for is to resist, because they know that the government is trying to arrest them any way they can. This is the main reason why many members of the brotherhood leave the brotherhood, but some members say that it also has a positive effect in the group, as all the members are more focused on protesting than on anything else.

The New York Times

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