Monday 20 January 2014

This is my review on The Times ( article published in December 2013. Here's the link to the article:

After reading this headline you must ask yourself the same thing I did: what is a crash diet? Well, after doing some research I finally understood the meaning. The crash diet is a type of diet that has an extreme lack of nutritional contribution and restricts the amount of calories that a person takes. It is not meant to last longer than 2 or 3 weeks and it is used to lose weight rapidly. But, what most people don’t know is that this diet is not healthy at all. It is also not useful in achieving a loss of weight that remains after the person quits the diet. It can become a vicious circle because, frequently the weight that is regained is more than the lost one, but as the diet restarts, the weight is lost once again.

This article explains how British scientists have discovered a way to help all the type 2 diabetics get their natural insulin levels back. All they have to do is follow a crash diet for a really short time. This has already been tried with 11 overweight patients. Doctors put them through a special diet. During that period of time, they could only take 800 calories per day. This discovery could help a lot of people who suffer obesity-induced diabetes.

I really liked this article because I find it very interesting that the cure to an illness can be as easy as changing your diet for a short period of time.

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